Geek. Fanboy. Musician.
Prepare to laugh, sing along, and maybe even shed a tear with Dangerous Gifts: The Collected Lyrics of Mikey Mason (2011-2024). This comprehensive collection gathers the complete lyrics of comedian and musical satirist Mikey Mason, spanning a remarkable thirteen years. Inside these pages, you'll find the lyrics to every song Mason has released, from fan favorites to deep cuts.
Mikey’s 15th full length album is available! Cover art by Mike Hind. Featuring the songs: Four Color Heart, Assassins (Time To Kill), Down The Rabbithole, All In The Reflexes, Radagast's Hedgehog, If Springsteen Wrote My Life, My Secret Lair, Puppets Only Dream of Waterfalls, Backyards and Sleepy Streets, Saturday Morning, Under The Stars, and a Bonus Track: Friendship Bracelet.
Confessions of a Geek Bard was released June 1, 2023 through Falstaff Books. It’s a collection of song lyrics and stories: personal stories, gaming stories, convention stories, and tales from the life of a traveling comedian. It is available in hardback and paperback, for order online and at conventions from both Falstaff Books and Mikey.
There is also a limited-edition, signed, numbered, hardcover edition with special cover art by Davey Beauchamps, and that comes with a cd featuring many of the song lyrics discussed in the book. Copies are still available while supplies last. Interested? Click below.
In the “Buy” Section, you can get official Mikey “distressed” ball caps…
The thirteenth full-length Mikey Mason album, featuring:
1. Sorry, Mom 2. Henry Cavill 3. This Time's Gonna Be Different 4. Best Friends 5. I Just Wanna (Pet Your Cat) 6. America's Ass 7. (No One Wants To) Play With You 8. Still 9. I Don't Care 10. Repeat 11. Say Goodbye
Mikey’s Songlist for Requests
See the list of cover songs you can request at Mikey’s online shows and bar gigs…